It's time to find a Vagenius GP

Created on
March 7, 2024

A submission by Vagenius Training Co-Founders, Rachel Andrew and Colette McKiernan, sets the stage for the provision of high quality training, to improve health outcomes for girls, women and those presumed female at birth, who have persistent pelvic pain. The submission to the Australian Government, identifies that GPs are asking for practical, relevant, immediately applicable learning and support, to better diagnose, treat and manage persistent pelvic pain. Latest 2023 figures from ABS estimate 1 in 7 women born 1973–78 were diagnosed with endometriosis by age 44–49. 1-9 in have endometriosis.

GPs see patients daily, presenting with often complex, disparate symptoms. Painful periods are common, but not normal. From the first visit, a GP can start to look at things differently, to change the future pathway for patients. Gender bias in Women's Health has underpinned some of the systemic, inherent issues for girls and women. Just being heard, and to have their pain validated seems to be a recurring theme. Not because their GP doesn't care. They may not be upskilled in this area. In a recent survey 50% of participants stated that reproductive health issues like endometriosis affected their health and well-being. The impact on quality of life can be significant, and is greater for Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander peoples and the LGBTQIA+ community. Vagenius Training is set to change the frame and close the knowledge gap, so no one is left behind.

Persistent Pelvic Pain-from chaos to calm submission