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This eBook is designed to bolster your confidence in managing the often complex symptoms associated with Persistent Pelvic Pain. Inside, you'll find valuable insights, underpinning stats, and the rationale behind effective treatments.

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Coming soon

Vagenius network is in development at the moment. We look forward to working with you to help people with pelvic health issues.

Women’s Healthcare for anyone, anywhere

We bring together clinicians from around Australia to provide accessible treatment for Pelvic Pain for you, in your home. We want pelvic health treatments to be accessible and timely.

Coming soon
Our Values

We are curious

We will delve into your history, we want to hear your story, and from there we will make a plan.

We have connections

The Vagenius Network is wide ranging, we will be able tofind you clinicians in your area who share our passion, knowledge and skills.

We have a passion for treating persistent pelvic pain

We will provide you with evidence based treatment strategies you can start immediately, and help you prepare for appointments with the clinicians near you.

We put you in charge

Your plan will be goal directed and driven by you, to achieve the changes you need to live your life better. You will have some immediate pain relief strategies, a clear understanding of what is happening with your body, and a plan moving forward.

How does it work?


Choose a clinician and make an appointment

You can choose to have a one-off appointment, or you may choose to have follow ups, as we transition to finding you care in your area.
You pay online for your appointments as you book, but may be eligible for rebates from your health fund after your appointment is completed.
We currently treat women, and those presumed female at birth.


Receive some paperwork, fill out and return

You will be sent some paperwork to fill out and return prior to your appointment. This improves treatment planning.


Receive an email link to your appointment

You will receive an email link to your appointment, shortly before your appointment time.
We recommend you have access to a computer, and pen and paper or notes system to make the most of your appointment.


Follow up

Your clinician will email you after your appointment with a summary of your plan.
We will write to your normal GP and planned local care providers with a summary – with your consent.
You can choose to follow up with this clinician as often as you feel is necessary.
Our expertise

We treat:

Persistent/chronic pelvic pain

Anywhere nipple to knees, front or back

Painful periods

Coccyx/tailbone pain


Pain after surgery

Bladder pain syndrome/Interstitial cystitis

Bowel pain

Vaginal or rectal spasms

Vulvodynia/vulval pain


(inability to use tampons or have penetrative sex)

Unconsummated marriage / relationships

Dyspareunia/painful sex

Pudendal neuralgia

Leaking from bladder or bowel


and more.