ABC Hobart - the clitoris was discovered when?

Created on
November 8, 2023

Joel Rheinberger asks some great questions about the pelvic floor and finds out more than he bargained for maybe? What at a great interview with Colette and Rachel about the creation and launch of the their new online learning courses for GPs. Vagenius Training will make continuing professional development courses available to all GPs across Australia. This clinician to clinician learning, developed in consultation with GPs, is set to impact on practice for the future management of women with pelvic issues and pain. The courses are all evidence based and have lived experiences by patients being the focus for learning and development.

The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) and Australian College of Rural and Remote Communities (ACRRM) have approved their first course on Pelvic Organ Prolapse available now, which is a quality stamp of approval. Vagenius Training will be releasing a series of six courses around women's, pelvic and reproductive health, over the coming 18 months.